02 November 2011


Have you ever wanted to design your own t-shirt?  Well how about designing a t-shirt for you and 200 other people instead!  We are having a contest in the month of November to see who will design the next shirt for THE UPRISING coming up in January.  Here are the details:

  • designs must be submitted before December 1
  • the design must contain the words "the uprising", but is not limited to these words
  • you may submit up to 3 designs
  • you can use up to 3 colors (the tshirt color will be dependent on the design, so feel free to make a recommendation!)
  • It is our preference that the designs are in an electronic format if possible.  But if all you have is a good idea and a napkin, then let it be so  
  • submit designs to Matthew Cavin
  • if you are chosen as a winner, we will make your design in to this years THE UPRISING shirt

So if you or someone you know likes drawing and designing, then get started today!

*there is a favorable chance that we will have to edit your design as we go through the proofing process with the t-shirt company.  Just a heads up.  

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