09 January 2012


Come get your Pancake on at Pancake-a-ganza.  It's going to be the biggest celebration of exam studying and Pancake eating ever!  (well, maybe not, but that would be pretty impressive, huh?)  So be there January 10th & 11th, 5:30-8:00pm.  As we always say, we will fill your bellies with food as you fill your minds with knowledge.  It's the perfect combination!  


Hey guys!  The Uprising is right around the corner, you just have to make it through exams now!  It's not too late to sign up, but you need to let us know if you plan on coming.   You can find our contact info on the staff page, or you can contact us on Facebook through Catalyst Jones.  We are meeting at the church at 6pm on Friday, so don't be late!  

17 December 2011


Congratulations to Kevin C. for winning this years Uprising Design Contest.  You guys did a great job, and turned in a bunch of awesome designs.  We are going to turn this in to an annual competition.  Because of that, I wanted to announce what the prize would be besides us using your design for the t-shirt.  Similar to The Masters Green Jacket, we will have the Uprising Green Jacket.  It will basically be you getting to choose to have your design printed another item of clothing that only you will own (ie. long sleeve T, v-neck, hoodie, etc.). It will literally be the only one of it's kind in the world.  We will be presenting this to Kevin at the Uprising.  As for the design, you will just have to wait until the Uprising to see it!

In the meantime, this is what you missed if you didn't make it to the Catalyst Christmas Party this past Wednesday:

07 November 2011


The weather is finally cooling off, the leaves are falling, and the sky is turning grey.  In my mind, this means only one thing:  IT IS TIME TO MAKE A FIRE!  We are going to be having a bonfire at the greenway on November 18 from 6-10pm.  Meet at the church by 6 and we will shuttle you over to the greenway.  We will eat some chili, make some s'mores, drink some hot chocolate, and enjoy a night of general merriment.  If you fancy playing the guitar, feel free to bring it and strum a few chords for our listening pleasure.  We will be back in the church parking lot by 10pm.  You can sign up at 180 or at the student ministry office.

We will be looking to have this kind of bonfire:

and not this kind of bonfire:

02 November 2011


Have you ever wanted to design your own t-shirt?  Well how about designing a t-shirt for you and 200 other people instead!  We are having a contest in the month of November to see who will design the next shirt for THE UPRISING coming up in January.  Here are the details:

  • designs must be submitted before December 1
  • the design must contain the words "the uprising", but is not limited to these words
  • you may submit up to 3 designs
  • you can use up to 3 colors (the tshirt color will be dependent on the design, so feel free to make a recommendation!)
  • It is our preference that the designs are in an electronic format if possible.  But if all you have is a good idea and a napkin, then let it be so  
  • submit designs to Matthew Cavin
  • if you are chosen as a winner, we will make your design in to this years THE UPRISING shirt

So if you or someone you know likes drawing and designing, then get started today!

*there is a favorable chance that we will have to edit your design as we go through the proofing process with the t-shirt company.  Just a heads up.  

27 October 2011


We had a blast with everyone who came out to Family Game Night last Friday.  Here's a few pics from that night.  If you're lucky, maybe later I will post a video of some awesome dance moves!

19 October 2011


Game Night is THIS FRIDAY night, October 21 from 6-8:30pm.  It's free and gonna be totally fun.  Come eat dinner with us starting at 6 and then just chill out and play games with everyone.  There will be an awesome prize to anyone who can beat me in Mario Kart! (jk I'm terrible.  I got beat by a 4th grader last time at Game Night).  If it's possible, even bring your whole family!  We would love it if everyone can come, but if not, just bring yourself!